Part VR exhibition and framed prints for opening night of a gallery
This project was a great learning experience and really opened many other possibilities in immersive story telling.
Being able to blend multiple disciplines and software together seamlessly into a single artistic expression was like finally being able to scratch an itch that honestly, I didn’t know I had.
A blend of traditional 3D modelling and organizing flat texture cards made in Photoshop. Once the scene is arrange, the scene is exported back to aftereffects and rendered in Element3D.
Everything's Fine / Personal Project / Archival Print / 28x17in

Everything's Fine Variant *Sirens* / Personal Project / Archival Print / 17x17in

Everything's Fine Variant *TVs* / Personal Project / Archival Print / 11x17in

Our Distractions are Sacrosanct / Personal Project / Archival Print / 28x17in